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1. Jesse Livermores Secret To Success

2. Home page investor image explanation

3. The great crash 1929

4. Dear NewBie Investor

5. How Wall Street works

6. How to win in the stock market

7. Commandments to follow

8. 10 Rules for Investing

9. How to survive a stock market crash

10. William J ONeil, CANSLIM

11. Barry Ritholtz keep it simple stupid

12. Gerald Loeb how to win

13. Paul Tudor Jones II

14. Felix Zulauf

15. Sir John Templton

16. Jordan Belfort

17. Stan Druckenmiller

18. Warren Buffett

19. Reading the tape

20. Indicators Introduction

21. Richard Ney method

22. Richard Wyckoff method

23. Richard Wyckoff Waves of Price and Volume

24. Richard Wyckoff is a success story

25. Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why?

26. Richard Wyckoff studied Jesse Livermore

27. Bob Evans, renowned Wyckoff teacher

28. Tim Ord, Secret Science of Price and Volume

29. William Gann method

30. William Gann life story

31. William Gann Law of Vibration

32. Jim Hurst method

33. Wyckoff method improved1

34. Wyckoff method improved2

35. Original Wyckoff and Wyckoff 2.0

36. Wyckoff 2.0 vs Others

37. Wyckoff 2.0 and Volume Spread Analysis

38. Powerful Patterns

39. Elliot Waves

40. Price Action

41. Market Statistics

42. Cycles for short term speculation

43. Stop Loss methods

44. Alpha Stock Scanner

45. Swing Scanner

46. Flash Charts

47. RTT Market Timer

48. RTT Wyckoff Short Term model

49. Chart Drawing Tools

50. Standard Indicators

51. Proprietary Indicators (PI)

52. Multi Time Frame (PI)

53. PI: RTT TrendStatus

54. PI: RTT Squeeze

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56. PI: RTT On Balance Volume

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60. PI: RTT MarketPulse

61. PI: RTT Steps of Cause and Effect

62. PI: RTT Wyckoff Strength Weakness

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65. What we do - 1st

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Jesse Livermores Secret To Success

Who was Jesse Livermore (1877 - 1940) ?
Jesse Livermore
Time Magazine described Jesse Livermore as the most fabulous living U.S. stock trader.

His progress from office boy to Wall Street legend - his trading lessons - his triumphs and disasters - is probably the most fascinating of any of Wall Street's stories.  Even today, many stock and commodity traders owe Jesse Livermore a deep debt of gratitude for sharing his experiences in the book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

The techniques he made public have endured through many decades; his trading rules earned him millions of dollars.

Livermore response to those that desire success in the markets was as follows:

Jesse Livermore quote

Note: This extract was published with the permission of Windsor Books, it can not be freely distributed.

Jesse Livermore used both fundamentals and technicals to profit in the markets. Livermore realised that he would have to learn his profession just as a doctor or engineer might.

Jesse Livermore is known to accumulate a fortune in the 1929/32 stock market crash. A reported $100 million dollars (in 1930's, this is huge). He did this by entering a trade when the market approached a critical determination point during the price trend, what he called a pivot point. At this point the trend would either re affirm it self as healthy (and continue) or not, thus a critical point in time in any trend. We at use a method called Wyckoff 2.0 to determine Jesse Livermore pivot points. Read more through this site to learn more.

Here is what works in the market.

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Here is a chart highlighting critical pivot points during the crash of 1929-32, or how Jesse Livermore made bank. Sure, fancy charts and tools he did not have, but we think in modern day times these are the pivot points Jesse Livermore would seek to profit from.

Livermore pivot points

You can see the Dow Jones Industrials was in a very strong Wyckoff 2.0 'mark down' phase between Oct 1929 and July 1932, an investor need only apply Hurst Cycle and Gann Angles to expose the true trend 'pivot points' to exploit for profit. Become a member and research the current market for Jesse Livermore 'pivot points'. Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff tools have worked for decades. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Below are some of Jesse trading rules:

1) Nothing new ever occurs in the business of speculating or investing in securities and commodities.

2) Money cannot consistently be made trading every day or every week during the year.

3) Don’t trust your own opinion and back your judgment until the action of the market itself confirms your opinion.

4) Markets are never wrong – opinions often are.

5) The real money made in speculating has been in commitments showing in profit right from the start.

6) At long as a stock is acting right, and the market is right, do not be in a hurry to take profits.

7) One should never permit speculative ventures to run into investments.

8) The money lost by speculation alone is small compared with the gigantic sums lost by so-called investors who have let their investments ride.

9) Never buy a stock because it has had a big decline from its previous high.

10) Never sell a stock because it seems high-priced.

11) I become a buyer as soon as a stock makes a new high on its movement after having had a normal reaction.

12) Never average losses.

13) The human side of every person is the greatest enemy of the average investor or speculator.

Wishful thinking must be banished.

14) Big movements take time to develop.

15) It is not good to be too curious about all the reasons behind price movements.

16) It is much easier to watch a few than many.

17)  If you cannot make money out of the leading active issues, you are not going to make money out of the stock market as a whole.

18) The leaders of today may not be the leaders of two years from now.

19) Do not become completely bearish or bullish on the whole market because one stock in some particular group has plainly reversed its course from the general trend.

20) Few people ever make money on tips. Beware of inside information. If there was easy money lying around, no one would be forcing it into your pocket.

More here: Jesse Livermore, Investing for dummies

This is a promotional video, no matter it is a good video about Jesse Livermore


NOTE: does allow users to load objects and text on charts, however some annotations are by a free third party image tool named

Investing Quote...

.."I have yet to find a man, in or out of Wall Street, who is able to make money in (markets) continuously or uninterruptedly. Like anyone else, I have good and bad periods."..

Richard D Wyckoff

.."A radical is one who speaks the truth."..

Charles August Lindbergh Snr

.."it is better to have few stocks and to watch them carefully”...

Bernard Burach

.."Just because you’re taught that something’s right and everyone believes it’s right, it don’t make it right."..

Mark Twain

...“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter”...

Ayn Rand

Created on: 5/22/2010 9:06:42 PM   Last Update: 4/30/2020 1:55:20 AM Posted by: RTT
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We at hold the view that a mix of stock chart technical analysis, Richard Wyckoff, William Gann and Jim Hurst methods plus market fundamentals allows the investor to formulate a very sound market opinion. These attributes are mutually inclusive and must be weighted equally before investing or trading in any Stock, ETF, Currency, Bond, Commodity, CFD or Mutual Fund

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