RTT Market Timer
The search for Wyckoff Sign of Strength with RTT Market Timer
The RTT Market Timer is a service offered via the RTT Plus membership. The RTT Market Timer is a mechanical calculation to help find signs of strength phases in the market. The use of the RTT Market Timer is not to be done in isolation. Just as medical doctors request multiple tests (blood, insulin, cholesterol, etc) to complete a diagnosis so should the user of the RTT Market Timer consider the full health of the stock market by reviewing: Wyckoff logic, market breadth, implied volatility, technical trend, volume trends and inter market analysis.
This is what the RTT Market Timer looks like at a high level (the full context of the timer is excluded). Below you can see between 2003 and 2011, RTT Plus members can see a full 30 years. The reader should notice that the triangles come off support, this means draw downs (periods of unrealized losses) are minimal. There is no curve fitting, or any other weird statistical magic. The RTT Market Timer works because it uses the daily NYSE Advance and Decline detail in an extremely smart way.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. Here is a closer example of RTT Market Timer. The reader must understand that not all triangles are acted upon, after all they a calculated mechanically and are blind to the market risks of the moment. What the RTT Market Timer triangles do accomplish are critical moments of strength that deserve your immediate attention.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. Once a triangle has presented itself, the RTT Market Timer reader must consider the Wyckoff accumulation phase around it. For Example, the June 2012 triangle follows.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. The RTT Market Timer triangles can be inserted onto charts covering world exchanges, sectors, industry and individual stocks.(Please note that the triangles are calculated based on SP500 price action and are inserted on charts for analysis. The charting service requires RTT Indicators to allow RTT Market Timer triangles onto members custom charts.)
Here is an example of RTT Market Timer triangles on World Indexes.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing.
Here is an example of RTT Market Timer on Ford (F) when it was outperforming the market and when it was not.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. There are more tools in the readtheticker.com tool shed to review, consider the RTTTrendPowerOBV on the next page.
NOTE: readtheticker.com does allow users to load objects and text on charts, however some annotations are by a free third party image tool named Paint.net
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