The internet has allowed more information to be available, to any person, at any time, more so than ever before. The internet has become information overload, and it's difficult to find information that is new or unique or useful. Here at you will not be reading 10,000 word essays nor see repetitive generic information, here you will see short sharp insights to critical moments in the financial markets.
Most investors have multiple newsletter sources that cover a range of topics: Company information, Economics, Fundamentals, Elliot Wave, Stock and Commodity picks, etc. RTT Plus will cover topics that you don't readily get elsewhere.
Topics will be:
RTT Market Timer, SP500 Watch, Wyckoff Campaign Blog, Wyckoff 2.0, Richard Ney logic, Macro Economic watch, Currency watch, The Big Channels, Hurst Cycles, Asset class review, Alpha (relative strength) best stock watch, A-B-C and Gann Angle price correction study.
Of course will shall focus on what works in the market.
Topic: Sector Rotation, Business and Credit Cycle
Monitor sector rotation, business and credit expansion and contraction cycles.

Topic: RTT Market Timer
The RTT Plus service will cover the NYSE Advance and Decline and CBOE Volatility data behind the RTT Market Timer signs of strength (triangles). Explaining how to execute and interpret the signs of strength. The RTT Market Timer has been working well since 1995 (30 years plus). The red, blue and purple triangles are the main signals, the RTT Market Timer does give shorter time frame bullish and bearish signals that also require an instruction.
There are minor short term signals that are also commented on,such as: Volatility spikes, Volatility Stress condition, NYSE Adv/Dec Oscillator, RTTTrendStatus, SP100 percentage above 100 SMA.
The NYSE advance and decline data is a true data set of money flow within the NYSE index. This is because it takes a lot of cash bidding up stocks to have more advancer's than decliners, therefore having the ability to time the market from this data set is a must have.
Please note that you may see a cluster of triangles during an extended correction phase, the timer is mechanical and these clusters will occur, however not all signs of strength triangles within the correction cluster are traded as some will be filtered out as they fail other manual tests.
Example of RTT Market Timer signals (red, blue pink triangles):

Also we follow our custom RTT FLow Index as it gives us great guidance as to market direction.
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Topic: SP500 Watch
Taking advantage of our RTT Market Timer signs of strength triangles we show members how we apply them on the SP500 and/or SPY. RTT Market Timer triangles are not used in isolation, we apply Richard Wyckoff bar by bar logic to the chart to understand the battle of supply and demand.
Example of positions executed within the SP500
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Example of Richard Wyckoff bar by bar logic applied to SP500.
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Topic: The Big Channels
The database of goes back to Jan 1st 1900 for the most critical symbols. Long term channels are critical to determine major pivot points, support and resistance levels. The RTT Plus service monitors these very powerful channels.
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Topic: Hurst Cycles
When a Hurst cycle is statistically significant (80% plus accuracy) it deserves your attention. When such a cycle is present on a very important index it is even more so important. The statistically significant Hurst cycle has three signals to profit from:
1) Price topping when the cycle is peaking
2) Price bottoming when the cycle is at a trough
3) Price inversion to a cycle peak or trough.
Example..SOX Semiconductor Index (SMH Etf)
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An example of standard (fixed) sine waves and adaptive sine waves confirming price action.
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Topic: Wyckoff 2.0, Hurst Cycles and Gann Angles
Richard Wyckoff was in our view:
.."If you haven't yet worked it out, the Wyckoff Investor is a mark up hunter. Wyckoff determined that the highest probability for markup (or down) to occur was on the completion of his nine rules. We believe the application of Gann Angles in the correct way aid the Wyckoff Investor to nurture and enjoy as much of the markup (or down) process as possible"..
The reasons why Richard Wyckoff preferred to invest in the markup phase are:
- Price in the markup phase is deliberately being moved up, therefore buying the short term pullbacks will be successful.
- Price in a strong mark up phase will see heavy buying during short term pullbacks.
- Price during the mark up phase often extends further than expected as this phase attracts a buying climax or blow off price action.
- The accumulation or distribution phase is normally range bound and is populated with false break outs in either direction with the sole purpose to bust stops.
- Profits are expected to be larger in the markup phase. (RTT) has added Hurst cycles and Gann Angles to the traditional Wyckoff approach, to reveal more price action secrets to the investor.
The best way to understand this approach is to view this graphic. Wyckoff 2.0 requires a base to be formed (accumulation), that will lead to a breakout (markup), that will result in a market top (distribution):

To understand the Wyckoff 2.0 application on a stock in a mark up phase it is best explained by an example, consider Apple Inc (AAPL).

Many investors took a position in Apple Inc around $200 to sell at $250 for what they thought was a great profit. When in reality it was a poor decision to take profits too early. The Wyckoff 2.0 approach to measure the mark up phase progress with a Gann Angle will keep you in the market for the long haul. The Gann Angle will work so long as price maintains its price to time acceleration (Time X Price). Some readers will say 'that is just a trendline', but now it is not, a trendline requires two points to draw, a Gann Angle requires one (a starting point), a Gann Angle is a measure of price to time.
And of course we watch the Gann Angles on the SP500 etf known as SPY:

RTT Plus will look for the Wyckoff markup phase in stocks, ETFs, commodities, Forex, indexes and bonds, well anything.
Topic: Asset Class Review
RTT Plus will pass comment on the majors: SP500, US Dollar, Metals, Nasdaq, Bonds, Gold Stocks.
Topic: Alpha (Relative Strength) Best Stock Watch
Many folks who apply Richard Wyckoff material get lost within the trees and forget about the view of the forest. That is they apply many Wyckoff principles yet somehow forget about the weight Richard Wyckoff placed on relative strength. Relative strength is critical to the Wyckoff approach. A stock with strong relative strength to the SP500 and good company fundamentals will be on our watch list.
Topic: A-B-C and Gann Angle Price Correction Study
Corrections can be simple or complex so it is no easy task, RTT Plus hopes to be a specialist in the study of price action corrections. You only need one trick to win in the stock market game, and our trick will be timing market corrections with the toolset above. They can be simple A-B-C corrections to multiple complex A-B-C patterns. Corrections can be either price turning zones (Accumulation or Distribution phases) or price continuation zones (re Accumulation or re Distribution phases). Wyckoff, Hurst and Gann will guide us through these phases.
Why should you subscribe where is the value?
1) The education from RTT Market Timer is on its own is huge value.
2) The relative strength best stock watch list on its own is huge value.
3) The application of Wyckoff 2.0 to stocks in (2) is huge value.
4) The ability to monitor statistically significant Hurst Cycles on very important price series is huge value.
How to Subscribe to 'RTT Plus'
1) New Members: Create an account via 'Sign Up' tab above, on doing so goto 'MyAccount', then select 'Subscribe', then select a product line within a time frame period of 90,180,360 days. Make sure that 'RTT Plus' is within the description of the product. Please read about the subscription levels via the menu via the top left.
2) Current Members: Goto 'MyAccount' and select 'Upgrade'. The subscription fee is apportioned based on the time left on your existing subscription.
3) Returning Members: Logon and goto 'MyAccount', then select 'Subscribe', then select a product line within a time frame period of 90,180,360 days. Make sure that 'RTT Plus' is within the description of the product. Please read about the subscription levels via the menu via the top left.
Update Schedule
Price data within the chart updates daily. This allows you to review price and indicators on a daily basis, a major benefit attributed to the interactive charts within RTT Plus (level A) service. This is why you pay a little extra, if there is something going on the markets our service allows you to read the charts with an updated picture daily, rather than having to wait for a manual update from your newsletter provider.
Commentary updates whenever market action demands it, it can be daily, however mostly weekly, but time between updates could be up to if not beyond two weeks (unlikely).
Presentation Format
1) Comments and insights are delivered in the same manner as the blog on this site.
2) Charts are delivered in the same manner as the demo charts. These charts are updated with delayed OHLC daily data and packed with Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst indicators.
3) Relative strength is presented within a ranking table that updates each day.
4) Stock watch list is presented in table packed with technical measures.
5) Private video will be made available covering related topics of the above.
1) Are you a financial advisor? NO, we are not. The above is an education resource for the subject matters on this website.
2) How long has RTT Market Timer been live? Back test are since 1995. RTT Market Timer has been live privately since Jan 2011 and public since June 2012.
3) Is the RTT Market Timer a Black Box? The timer is designed to allow members to see all the information. Allowing the member to make their own minds up. There is no black box, the member hopefully gains and education from RTT Plus to enhance their skills to equal and if not better RTT. We are all different, we all have our own bias, that is why the information is fully disclosed (note: the code is not disclosed).
4) Are you a stock picker? NO, we are stock monitors and watchers. We don't list buy and sell signals, we list great bullish and bearish stock positions. RTT Plus will list a watch list and portfolio.
5) Is there any risk? Yes there is, and you can lose all your funds without the use of correct money management and position stop setting.
6) What markets do you cover? US stocks, Indexes, ETFs (including commodity, Forex, Bond ETFs)
7) Are there refunds? No, please read the Terms and Conditions of this site.
8) Is there a trial period for RTT Plus? There is no short term trial period, but you can sign up for only 90 days to try us out.
9) The service a window as to what RTT is doing. The service provides trade and investment ideas to the member. It is not a specific trade instruction to the member (as we are not financial advisors). The member can use what they read for their own investment ideas.
10) Where can I find out more? Please study the service section within this website and read public FAQs.
Thank you for your interest.
Investing Quote...
.."I latter told my students, 'think in waves' [of price and volume]"..
Richard D Wyckoff
...“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”...
Ayn Rand
..."Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."..
Mark Twain
..“Successful speculation requires staying on top of changes in industries and companies that either create new industries or improve on existing industries. The majority of your profits will come from these two … The shrewdest traders throughout history all adapted the skill of reactionary change, as the market constantly presents new and different opportunities.”..
Bernard Baruch
...“To me, the 'tape' is the final arbiter of any investment decision. I have a cardinal rule: Never fight the tape!”...
Martin Zweig