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1. Subscription levels

2. Standard vs RTT Indicators

3. Membership Advantages

4. Membership Prerequisites

5. RTT Plus service explained

6. Membership for stock chart generation

7. Testimonials


Subscription levels

Subscription levels offered by follow below: 


To review prices for each service level quoted in the list below (Service A to I) please do this:

1) Create a FREE account via the 'Sign Up Now' page. [Note: No names, address, credit cards or any other personal information is necessary to create a free account, you remain 100% anonymous].

2) Once your FREE account is created, then go to: MyAccount >> Subscribe. 

3) From (2), review subscription options, including our first timer 'trial' options.

RTT Service Levels

The numbers, like '(1)', are a reference to the 'Note' information below.

Service A (Diamond): RTT Plus

#Only market commentary service, no chart building (1).

#SP500 Market timer.

#Real time Wyckoff campaign watch.
#US Economic Growth and Recession watch
#Sector Rotation Watch

#RTT Flow Index (2).

#Prized commentary and information on: Wyckoff, Gann, Hurst, Ney, Livermore.

Best stock scans.

More here.

Service B (Iron): Charts, Limited Indicators 
         *** OUR SPECIAL OFFER ***

#Build all charts types, lite (4).

#Standard indicators only (5).
#Lite set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 
Import and export data, lite 

Swing and Alpha scanner, lite (3).

Create price alerts, lite (8).

Service C (Iron RTT): Charts, All Indicators 

#Build all charts types, full (4).

#RTT and Standard indicators (5).
#Full set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Import and export data, lite (10),(11).

Swing and Alpha scanner, full (3).

Create price alerts, full (8).

Service D (Bronze): Groups, Charts, and Limited Indicators

#Build all charts types, lite (4).

#Standard indicators only (5).
#Secured and members groups functionality 
#Lite set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Import and export data, lite (10),(11).

Swing and Alpha scanner, lite (3).

Create price alerts,lite (8).

Service E (Bronze RTT): Groups, Charts, All Indicators

#Build all charts types, full (4).

#RTT and Standard indicators (5).
#Secured and members groups functionality 
#Full set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Import and export data, lite (10),(11).

Swing and Alpha scanner, full (3).

Create price alerts, full (8).

Service F (Silver): Charts, Limited Indicators and RTT Plus

#Build all charts types, lite (4).

#Standard indicators only (5).
#Includes RTT Plus 
#Import and export data standard 
#Lite set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Swing and Alpha scanner, lite (3).

Create price alerts, lite (8).

Service G (Silver RTT): Charts, All Indicators, RTT Plus

#Build all charts types, full (4).

#RTT and Standard indicators (5).
#Includes RTT Plus 
#Import and export data standard 
#Full set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Swing and Alpha scanner, full (3).

Create price alerts, full (8).

Service H (Gold): Groups, Charts, Limited Indicators and RTT Plus

#Build all charts types, lite (4).

#Standard indicators only (5).
#Includes RTT Plus 
#Secured and members groups functionality 
#Import and export data, full 
#Lite set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Swing and Alpha scanner, lite (3).

Create price alerts, lite (8).

Service I (Gold RTT): Groups, Charts, All Indicators, RTT Plus

#Build all charts types, full (4).

#RTT and Standard indicators (5).
#Includes RTT Plus 
#Secured and members groups functionality 
#Import and export data full 
#Full set of Wyckoff, Gann and Hurst Cycle tools 

Swing and Alpha scanner, full (3).

Create price alerts, full (8).


(1) You can learn more about this service via Main Menu >> Services >> RTT Plus service explained

(2) Includes the use of RTT Flow Index (@RTFI) and NYSE RTT Advance and Decline Index (@NYRADI) in charts if you have charting rights (ie No. 4).

(3) You can learn more about this service via Main Menu >> Information & FAQ >> Indicator Library >> Alpha Stock Scanner, Swing Scanner

(4) You can learn more about this service via Main Menu >> Services >> Membership for stock chart generation

(5) You can learn more about this service via Main Menu >> Services >> Standard vs RTT Indicators. All indicators is both sets (RTT and Standard). Limited indicators is standard indicators only.

(6) Groups (Members groups): Show a group of your charts to members via Main Menu >> Charts & Video >> Charts Members

(7) Groups (Secured groups): The secured groups are provided by paying members to those that have been issued a password by the member, viewing of these groups is limited to those that have the current password. does not issue passwords for these groups. The password must be issued by the member who manages the group. Via Main Menu >> Charts & Video >>Charts Secured. These groups are ideal to show others your work without allowing them editing rights. Great for showing clients, investment committees, associates, boards, etc. (Note: Do not post password on web pages, that is forbidden)

(8) Alerts: These are set by each member based on horizontal and sloped trend lines.

(9) Subscriptions with RTT Plus receive the full support service, others receive a lighter service.

(10) Those with RTT Plus and Charting also have full data import rights.
(11) Export data is: 5 yrs for without RTT Plus, 15 yrs for those with RTT Plus, 30 yrs who have RTT Plus and Groups. 


(Special offer refers to letters B and C of the service matrix below)

Trial: If you are still not sure, you can sign up for ONLY 10 days for $9 USD. The try out allows you to create charts with our RTT indicators. The 'special offer' access allows you to review tools that cover: Wyckoff, Livermore, Gann, Hurst, Alpha Scanner and Swing Scanner (Note: RTT Market Timer or RTT Plus is not part of the try out) .

.. ALSO ..

Very Affordable Charts: This is one of the best deals on the WWW. You can use our full service charts (i.e. option 'C' in the table above),  which includes our very smart RTT Custom indicators, for very low $70 USD per year (or $35 USD for 6 months). We have found market traders have many charting tools, we have also found members use our site to assist in their own strategies by helping them with: Dominant cycles, Gann Angles, Wyckoff price and volume indicators, Point and figure charts and Scanning.

NOTE: Subscription option 'C' is also part of our 'Trial' offer for the 10 day period.

To review all prices for each service level quoted in the table above (A to I) please do this:

1) Create a FREE account via the 'Sign Up Now' page. [Note: No names, address, credit cards or any other personal information is necessary to create a free account, you remain 100% anonymous].

2) Once your FREE account is created, then go to: MyAccount >> Subscribe to review prices as per the letter matrix shown above. Including our trial offer.

    Further subscription information:

- Prices are very moderate ranging from: $5 to $30 USD per month.

- RTT Plus on its own is $21 USD per month (option 'A').

- The description of each product line (see notes above also) describes the services offered.

- Subscription periods are 180, 360 days.

- Subscription can be extended at any time.

- Subscription can be upgraded at any time.

- Subscription ends when the time period selected expires.

- Please read our FAQs

If you have any questions please email us via 'Contact Us' Thank you!

Investing Quote...

.."If we wish to avert failure in speculation we must deal with causes. Everything in existence is based on exact proportion and perfect relationship. There is no chance in nature, because mathematical principles of the highest order lie at the foundation of all things. Faraday said: `There is nothing in the Universe but mathematical points of force."...

William D Gann

.."Markets are designed to allow individuals to look after their private needs and to pursue profit. It's really a great invention and I wouldn't under-estimate the value of that, but they're not designed to take care of social needs"..

George Soros

.."I never found beauty in the longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach"...

Ayn Rand

.."Markets are constantly in a state of uncertainty and flux and money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected"..

George Soros

..The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell"..

John Templeton

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