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Titles and Content

1. Jesse Livermores Secret To Success

2. Home page investor image explanation

3. The great crash 1929

4. Dear NewBie Investor

5. How Wall Street works

6. How to win in the stock market

7. Commandments to follow

8. 10 Rules for Investing

9. How to survive a stock market crash

10. William J ONeil, CANSLIM

11. Barry Ritholtz keep it simple stupid

12. Gerald Loeb how to win

13. Paul Tudor Jones II

14. Felix Zulauf

15. Sir John Templton

16. Jordan Belfort

17. Stan Druckenmiller

18. Warren Buffett

19. Reading the tape

20. Indicators Introduction

21. Richard Ney method

22. Richard Wyckoff method

23. Richard Wyckoff Waves of Price and Volume

24. Richard Wyckoff is a success story

25. Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why?

26. Richard Wyckoff studied Jesse Livermore

27. Bob Evans, renowned Wyckoff teacher

28. Tim Ord, Secret Science of Price and Volume

29. William Gann method

30. William Gann life story

31. William Gann Law of Vibration

32. Jim Hurst method

33. Wyckoff method improved1

34. Wyckoff method improved2

35. Original Wyckoff and Wyckoff 2.0

36. Wyckoff 2.0 vs Others

37. Wyckoff 2.0 and Volume Spread Analysis

38. Powerful Patterns

39. Elliot Waves

40. Price Action

41. Market Statistics

42. Cycles for short term speculation

43. Stop Loss methods

44. Alpha Stock Scanner

45. Swing Scanner

46. Flash Charts

47. RTT Market Timer

48. RTT Wyckoff Short Term model

49. Chart Drawing Tools

50. Standard Indicators

51. Proprietary Indicators (PI)

52. Multi Time Frame (PI)

53. PI: RTT TrendStatus

54. PI: RTT Squeeze

55. PI: RTT TrendPower OBV

56. PI: RTT On Balance Volume

57. PI: RTT VolumeWave

58. PI: RTT Rainbow Bands

59. PI: RTT Volume

60. PI: RTT MarketPulse

61. PI: RTT Steps of Cause and Effect

62. PI: RTT Wyckoff Strength Weakness

63. PI: RTT Wyckoff Price Waves

64. PI: Proprietary Indicators Caution

65. What we do - 1st

66. What we do - 2nd


Indicator Library
PI: RTT MarketPulse

This is a proprietary indicator, part of the RTT Indicator set.

Important Disclaimer: None of the proprietary indicators give specific signals of BUY and/or SELL prices or signals for investment decisions. They do however bring your attention to price action for further analysis only. Any BUY or SELL decision is purely your own responsibility. Please understand that we find favor with our proprietary tools, but they do not work all the time, nothing is 100% accurate. Please review our terms of use.

Price has two modes, and only two.

RTT Market Pulse rttmarketpulse

It is extremely difficult to produce a mathematical formula that will determine the switch from the trendy to a sideways (cycle) market. The RTT Market Pulse indicator (our version of the Hilbert Sine Wave) is about as close as you will ever get. The indicator displays two background colors types, white and green. The darker the green the more trendy the market. The colored support and resistance lines give you an excellent price level for the analysis of price action. Also please understand that there is no curve fitting or repainting of this indicator, it is what is, with no fitting to price what so ever.

An Example of RTT MktPulse

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Ford Market Pulse
Note: The text and arrow lines on this chart were drawn with Paint.Net and not the text tool.

In an up trend market the blue support levels can be activated while the red resistance levels are de activated. Vica versa for a down trend market. The RTT Market Pulse indicator offers both lower (below price) and upper studies (on price), both have options for de activation.

An example of the RTT MarketPulse with resistance lines only, set with the RTT Rainbow bands.

Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing.
SPY Market Pulse

An example of the RTT MarketPulse with support lines only, set with the RTT Rainbow bands.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing.
Gold market pulse

Here are a few more examples of RTTMarketPulse (bullish mode only)  shown with Hurst Cycles .

Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing.
RTT Market Pulse CAT


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OIL USO RTT Market Pulse


NOTE: does allow users to load objects and text on charts, however some annotations are by a free third party image tool named

Investing Quote...

..“What beat me was not having the brains enough to stick to my own game – that is, to play the market only when I was satisfied that precedents favored my play.”..

Jesse Livermore

In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine.

Benjamin Graham

.."A lie told often enough becomes the truth"..

Vladimir Lenin

.."Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you"..


."Buying stuff people hate, that's the business we are in, right!"..."you may need to have a longer time horizon"..."be patient"..

Mark Yusko

Created on: 5/16/2010 4:09:51 AM   Last Update: 3/19/2011 9:19:34 PM Posted by: RTT
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We at hold the view that a mix of stock chart technical analysis, Richard Wyckoff, William Gann and Jim Hurst methods plus market fundamentals allows the investor to formulate a very sound market opinion. These attributes are mutually inclusive and must be weighted equally before investing or trading in any Stock, ETF, Currency, Bond, Commodity, CFD or Mutual Fund

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