| 1. Jesse Livermores Secret To Success
| 2. Home page investor image explanation
| 6. How to win in the stock market
| 7. Commandments to follow
| 8. 10 Rules for Investing
| 9. How to survive a stock market crash
| 10. William J ONeil, CANSLIM
| 11. Barry Ritholtz keep it simple stupid
| 12. Gerald Loeb how to win
| 20. Indicators Introduction
| 22. Richard Wyckoff method
| 23. Richard Wyckoff Waves of Price and Volume
| 24. Richard Wyckoff is a success story
| 25. Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why?
| 26. Richard Wyckoff studied Jesse Livermore
| 27. Bob Evans, renowned Wyckoff teacher
| 28. Tim Ord, Secret Science of Price and Volume
| 30. William Gann life story
| 31. William Gann Law of Vibration
| 33. Wyckoff method improved1
| 34. Wyckoff method improved2
| 35. Original Wyckoff and Wyckoff 2.0
| 36. Wyckoff 2.0 vs Others
| 37. Wyckoff 2.0 and Volume Spread Analysis
| 42. Cycles for short term speculation
| 48. RTT Wyckoff Short Term model
| 51. Proprietary Indicators (PI)
| 52. Multi Time Frame (PI)
| 55. PI: RTT TrendPower OBV
| 56. PI: RTT On Balance Volume
| 58. PI: RTT Rainbow Bands
| 61. PI: RTT Steps of Cause and Effect
| 62. PI: RTT Wyckoff Strength Weakness
| 63. PI: RTT Wyckoff Price Waves
| 64. PI: Proprietary Indicators Caution
Indicator Library
Wyckoff method improved2
In a closing paragraph of this post Wyckoff method improved1 we said:
.."If you haven't yet worked it out, the Wyckoff Investor is a markup (or down) hunter. Wyckoff determined that the highest probability for markup (or down) to occur was on the completion of his nine rules. We believe the application of Gann Angles in the correct way aid the Wyckoff Investor to nurture and enjoy as much of the markup (or down) process as possible"..
We would like to add another set of scenario's to Wyckoff nine rules, and that would be the three signals produced by the Jim Hurst method through the application of cycle theory.
1) When price conforms to a cycle trough and moves upwards with the cycle rising. 2) When price conforms to a cycle peak and moves downwards with the cycle falling. 3) Which price fails to conform to the cycle and moves in a manner inverse to the cycle action.
The short and long term dominant cycle are the birth places of accumulation and distribution. The monitoring of cycles is very beneficial to forecasting the next market phase. Cycles have a very good habit of timing the next explosion of activity (mark up or down). We feel Hurst cycles add another string to the bow for the Wyckoff Investor.
NOTE: Cycles do not replace Wyckoff nine rules, they do however help filter out those patterns that are less attractive.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. 
The above chart is the visual definition of the Hurst and Gann value added Wyckoff method, or more simply Wyckoff 2.0. The above chart is Richard Wyckoff method of the 21st Century.
Wyckoff 2.0 Defined:It is the appication of the Richard Wyckoff method in the pure form with the added value tools of Gann Angles and Hurst Cycles. The Gann Angle 1x4, 1x2 and 1x1 are used to assist in the location of pure price markup (or down), the Hurst cycles are used to forewarn of (re) accumulation and (re) distribution phases.
The video explains Wyckoff 2.0 in brief
How to find Mark up Phase
On the GOLD
Here is a real world example of Wyckoff 2.0 method.
Currently (20110707) every hedge fund manager and institution own a piece of Apple Inc for the simple reason the stock has been in a 'pure markup' period since the 2008 lows. Sure a few re accumulation patterns along the way, but a fantastic performing stock. Of course a serious break of the latest blue corridor (1x2 Gann Angle) and a more serious distribution could unfold.Yes you can assume that the Wyckoff 2.0 methods are employed by the top investment houses whether they know it or not.

Here is a video with Boeing (BA) showing off Wyckoff logic anc Gann angles.
The Point and Figure Chart always as 'clear as day' shows phases of (re) accumulation and (re) distribution.
Click for popup. Clear your browser cache if image is not showing. 
The above is modern day times, let's roll back to the time when Jesse Livermore made his fortune during the 1929/32 stock market crash. We believe that Jesse Livermore would be a great fan of Wyckoff 2.0 (after all Richard Wyckoff sourced much of his own method from the likes of Livermore and others) to find the critical pivot points to profit from. The chart below shows how easy it is to expose critical trend determination periods or Livermore 'Pivot Points' using readtheticker.com tool set of Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff (or what we call Wyckoff 2.0).

The post named Powerful patterns hold further illustrations.

NOTE: readtheticker.com does allow users to load objects and text on charts, however some annotations are by a free third party image tool named Paint.net
Investing Quote...
.."Your goals are to select only stocks that move soonest, fastest and farthest in bull or bear markets. Limited losses and let profits run."..
Richard D Wyckoff
.."We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission"..
Ayn Rand
.."Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery"..
Spike Milligan
...“People somehow think you must buy at the bottom and sell at the top to be successful in the market. That’s nonsense! The idea is to buy when the probability is greatest that the market is going to advance”...
Martin Zweig (The inspiration behind a number of Martin Zweig’s methods came, from Jesse Livermore).
.."To cause high prices, all the Fed will do will be to lower the re discount rate..., producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market; then when, business men are adjusted to these conditions, it can check, prosperity in mid career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest. It can cause the pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth by slight changes in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a greater rate variation and in either case it will possess inside information as to financial conditions and advance knowledge of the coming change, either up or down. This is the most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any Government that ever existed. The are private, conducted for the purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage, and when to stop panic."...
Charles August Lindbergh Snr
Created on: 7/3/2011 10:59:38 PM Last Update: 7/26/2017 7:21:43 PM Posted by: RTT
We at readtheticker.com hold the view that a mix of stock chart technical analysis, Richard Wyckoff, William Gann and Jim Hurst methods plus market fundamentals allows the investor to formulate a very sound market opinion. These attributes are mutually inclusive and must be weighted equally before investing or trading in any Stock, ETF, Currency, Bond, Commodity, CFD or Mutual Fund